


تجربة مريضنا المعالج

علاج مرض الكلى المزمن

كان يعاني دائمًا من مشكلة السعال. مع مرور الوقت ، تصبح المشكلة أكثر وأكثر. Read more....

السيد شنكر

37 سنة من فيجي

علاج مرض السكري

كان يعاني دائمًا من مشكلة السعال. مع مرور الوقت ، تصبح المشكلة أكثر وأكثر. Read more....

السيدة جانيس لوي

59 عاما من المملكة المتحدة

علاج مرض الكلى المزمن

He always had the problem of Coughing. With the passing time, the problem became more and more. Read more....

Mr. Golam Morshed

aged 37 years from Bangladesh

Treatment For Asthma

He always had the problem of Coughing. With the passing time, the problem became more and more. Read more....

Mr. Rauf Ansari

aged 37 years from Bangladesh

Treatment For Diabetes

I received required multiple infusion of stem cells at MedAcess, India in December 2017.  Read more....

Anonymous Male

Kenya, 38-year-old

Treatment For Knee & Heart

I am a 68-year-old male with an end-stage heart condition. The medications for my heart condition . Read more....

Mr. Evans

aged 68 years from Canada

Treatment For Parkinson's

When my mother showed the symptoms of Parkinson's disease I contacted various top experts in the medical Read more....

Ms. Angela Chukwu

on behalf of her 58-year-old mother from Uganda

Treatment For Rheumatism

I have been suffering from Rheumatism and knee problems for a long time. Read more....

Mrs. Usman

aged 68 years from Lagos, Nigeria

Treatment For Anti-Aging

Excellent results, pain-free and no risk and very professional in every aspect.. Read more....

Ms. Jennifer Clarke

53-year-old, UK

Treatment For Amnesia

He was suffering from severe epilepsy and his local doctors were not able to control the seizures Read more....

Mr. Shakeel Anwar

aged 35 years from Pakistan

Treatment For Rejuvenation

Ms. Ming used to meet many people at work daily with different looks and different style. Read more....

Ms. Ming

aged 54 years from Myanmar

stay Healthy Icon

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