Patient Details : Mr. Shakeel Anwar aged 35 years from Pakistan
He was suffering from severe epilepsy and his local doctors were not able to control the seizures with medications and drugs. So they advised him to go to India for Stem Cell Therapy.
Before the stem cell treatment at MedAcess, he had the memory problem as an outcome of his brain trauma and epilepsy. One of the main reason for Amnesia is damage to various parts of brain beside the hippocampus and trauma. Hippocampus is responsible for storing new memories. In most of the cases, this type of damage is normally caused by stroke, cerebrovascular accident, tumor, encephalitis, chronic alcoholism, accident or head trauma. People with Amnesia may often remember general knowledge then specific knowledge.
After the treatment at MedAcess and because of the infusion of the stem cells and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), Mr. Anwar is not recovering from Amnesia. We are constantly keeping watch in his condition during regular follow up interval and will keep posting any latest development in his condition here.