Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis in Mumbai, India

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is the most common chronic disorder affecting the brain and spinal cord. The human body's self-immune system targets the coating around nerve fibers (myelin) leading to inflammation and the disappearance of myelin. Therefore, the nerves get damage resulting in the creation of plaques and scarring.

Because of this, the communication between the cells gets disrupt leading to various problems related to balance, vision, and speech and muscle movement. The progression of the disease leads to multiple cognitive and physical disabilities.

MS (Multiple Sclerosis), CP (Cerebral Palsy), MD (Muscular Dystrophy), Stroke, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and traumatic brain injury are the most common conditions of the nervous system. Until the recent stem cell research and discoveries, treatment options for these conditions were not useful and inadequate, and most of the time unsuccessful. Because of this, the progression of the symptoms was smooth, and the damage was irreversible.

Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Causes of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disorder of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system).

In Multiple Sclerosis, the Immune mechanism attacks the protective layer (myelin sheath) that covers nerve fibers and causes signaling problems between our brain and the rest of our body. Eventually, the disease can do permanent damage or deterioration of the nerves.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis signs and symptoms may vary from person to person and throughout the disease, depending on the affected area of nerve fibers. Symptoms often affect movement, such as:

  • Electric-shock sensations that will occur with specific neck movements, especially bending the neck forward (Lhermitte sign)
  • Tremor, lack of coordination or unsteady gait
  • Numbness or weak feelings in one or more limbs that will occur on one side of the body at a time, or the legs and trunk

Vision problems are also common, including:

  • Prolonged double vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Partial or complete vision loss, usually one eye at a time, often with pain during eye movement

Multiple sclerosis symptoms may also include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Problems with sexual, bowel and bladder function
  • Tingling or pain sensation in parts of your body

Types of Multiple Sclerosis

There are four types of multiple sclerosis (MS), named according to the disease acts on the body over time:

  • Relapsing-Remitting, MS (RRMS).
  • Secondary-Progressive, MS (SPMS).
  • Primary-Progressive, MS (PPMS).
  • Progressive-Relapsing, MS (PRMS).

What is the Treatment Available for Multiple Sclerosis?

The recent and latest research revealed that stem cells could remylinate the nervous system. Also, it improves the symptoms and leads to prolonging lives. When stem cells enter the human body, they not only find the damaged area and works on repairing the damage part and cells of the area but also develop new healthy cells in the human body. In MS patients, stem cells recover myelin, which causes a reduction of symptoms. Improvements after stem cell therapy usually start in the next four months.

MS patients had a hard time altering medications suitable as per need. Various steroids or disease controlling or modifying drugs are only supposed to manage few specific symptoms, but most of the time they are not entirely successful in their job and cannot cure all the symptoms or problems. Another main concern is the side effects of drugs. Because of these reasons, lots of people have turned to alternative treatment modalities.

Is Stem Cell Cure for Multiple Sclerosis?

The recent and latest research revealed that stem cells could re-mylinate the nervous system. Also, it improves the symptoms and leads to prolonging lives. When stem cells enter the human body, they not only find the damaged area and works on repairing the damage part and cells of the area but also develop new healthy cells in the human body. In MS patients, stem cells recover myelin, which causes a reduction of symptoms. Improvements after stem cell therapy usually start in the next four months.

MS patients had a hard time altering medications suitable as per need. Various steroids or disease controlling or modifying drugs are only supposed to manage few specific symptoms, but most of the time they are not entirely successful in their job and cannot cure all the symptoms or problems. Another main concern is the side effects of drugs. Because of these reasons, lots of people have turned to alternative treatment modalities.

Can Stem Cell Cure Permanently Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

Stem cells are the natural part of the human body, and they have the unique ability to find and repair the damaged tissues. It usually takes four months after the stem cell therapy to get fully developed results. Meanwhile, at this time, the patient observes new improvements continuously. There is also no risk of rejection or side effects. The whole procedure is completed within only a few hours and it is rapid, painless, simple, and safe.

MedAcess has developed the Stem Cell Therapy program to treat various conditions. During our stem cell treatment, each patient receives 200 – 300 million stem cells. The quantity of the stem cells not only covers daily losses but exceeds them a million times. Thus, the source of the stem cells which is practically lost for the last 15 – 20 years, is recovered and restored. After our stem cell infusion, various organs get rejuvenated, and they get renewed because the new and active stem cells completely replace the old and damaged ones.

Stem Cell Therapy is Safe for Multiple Sclerosis

Treatment in MedAcess showed that the stem cells administered into the patient’s body lead to the replacement of the damaged tissue & cells, leading to the recovery and restoration of the brain function activity.

Until now, it was believed that damaged brain tissues are irreversible and permanent disorders. However, recent research and medical discoveries have proved that it is possible to re-grow the brain cells and also the possibility of neurological function.

MedAcess has developed the Stem Cell Therapy program to treat various conditions. During our stem cell treatment, each patient receives 200 – 300 million stem cells. The quantity of the stem cells not only covers daily losses but exceeds them a million times.

Thus, the source of the stem cells which is practically lost for the last 15 – 20 years, is recovered and restored. After our stem cell infusion, various organs get rejuvenated, and they get renewed because the new and active stem cells completely replace the old and damaged ones.

Changes After Stem Cell Therapy

  • No more Electric-shock sensations.
  • Reduced Tremor, Improved coordination.
  • No Numbness or weak feelings in one or more limbs.
  • Improved vision.
  • Clear vision.
  • No loss of vision,No more pain during eye movement.
  • Improved speech.
  • No more Dizziness.
  • Reduced Fatigue.
  • No more Problems with sexual, bowel and bladder function.
  • No Tingling or pain sensation in parts of your body.
  • No more redness.

How much does Cost of Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment in India?

Multiple Sclerosis stem cell treatment cost is a very complicated process. As the price is not controlled in most of the parts of the globe for stem cell therapy, people from across the world prefer India as it has become the pioneer of medical tourism for affordable stem cell therapy. The therapy cost in India is significantly less of what it would cost in the western hemisphere, along with the waiting period and prohibitive logistics cost.

The average price of a Stem cell therapy for Multiple Sclerosis in India is $4,000 USD. The maximum amount to be paid for Stem cell therapy for MS in India is up to $8,000 USD. The cost of treatment in other European countries costs approx. $20,000 - $30,000. But, in India, it will cost you almost 70% to 80% less than that.

However, the prices may vary depending upon various factors like the type of stem cell treatment, type of stem cells, type of cells, the number of stem cells required, pre-treatment investigations, etc.

Low cost stem cell therapy for Multiple Sclerosis in India is also a factor that is giving new hope to patients who need Stem Cell Treatment. The cost of Stem Cell Treatment in India is significantly Low, but the medical services provided by the hospitals are top-notch with International Medical standards and latest technologies at MedAcess Stem Cell Center India.

The success rate of Stem Cell Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis

After the stem cell therapy for Multiple Sclerosis, the patient gets desirable Changes and excellent results. Till now, we have observed that around 80% of Multiple Sclerosis Disease patients who are treated using Stem Cell Therapy have shown significant results like a complete stoppage in the progression of Multiple Sclerosis. Regeneration of damaged cartilage, enhanced joint movement, better control on joint mobility, no Need help in walking or sitting, refined quality of life, improved lifestyle, improved flexibility, etc.

Why India is the Best Place for MS Stem Cell Treatment in India?

MedAcess has excellent and successful career and vast experience in treating such conditions with excellent results. We are well equipped with the latest stem cell technology and the well-versed team of stem cell scientists and doctors. We always keep ourselves updated with the latest research and studies in the field of stem cell therapy, and we are improving our skills and knowledge continually. This is the reason we are one of the leading stem cell treatment centers in India.

Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy at MedAcess :

  • Zero side effects and rejections free
  • Zero risks of Allergic or Immune reactions
  • No risk of transmissible disease
  • No oncological complications
  • Long lasting results


  • Corticosteroids, such as oral dose prednisone and intravenous methylprednisolone, are prescribed to reduce nerve inflammation.
  • Plasma exchange (plasmapheresis). The liquid portion of part of your blood (plasma) is removed and separated from your blood cells. The blood cells are then mixed with a protein solution (albumin) and injected back into the body. Plasma exchange is to be used if the symptoms are new, severe and haven't responded to steroids.

Stem Cell Therapy is the latest treatment available for the Multiple Sclerosis treatment which will help in reducing the symptoms of the Multiple Sclerosis.

Yes, various patients with multiple sclerosis have been successfully treated for their disease condition. Numerous patients have taken Stem cell therapy for their condition and got relief from the symptoms of the disease.

According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), the majority of people who have MS will experience a normal life span. On average, most people with Multiple sclerosis live about seven years less than a healthy person. Those with MS tend to die from many of the same conditions, such as cancer and heart disease, as people who don’t have the state. Apart from cases of severe MS, which are rare, the prognosis for longevity is generally reasonable.

Recent studies from a National Multiple Sclerosis Society study estimate that nearly 1.5 million people in the United States are living with MS. This is more than double the last reported number and the first national research on MS prevalence since 1970. The society also estimates that 2.5 million people live with MS globally. About 300 new cases are diagnosed each week in the United States, says the Multiple Sclerosis Forum.

Patients Testimonials

Mr. Shankar From Fiji Came To India For His CKD Treatment at MedAcess
Ms. Janice from UK Undergoes Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Type 2
Mr. Golam from Bangladesh his Mother's Successful Stem Cell Therapy for CKD
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