Stem Cell Therapy for Meningitis in Mumbai, India

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What is Meningitis?

The human brain is surrounded by the sensitive and delicate membranes which protect the spinal cord and the brain. Whenever the brain gets infected, these membranes get damaged and causes the related symptoms. The inflammation which is caused by the viral or bacterial infection in the protective coverings (meninges) is known as Meningitis.

Meningitis is a very rare disorder and it can be found in the patient with any age as there is no age limit. Mostly, Meningitis is found in the babies, young children, young adults, and teenagers. Early diagnosis of Meningitis leads to good prognosis and better recovery. If Meningitis is left untreated, it may lead to Septicemia leading to the permanent and drastic damage to the nerves or even brain.

Stem Cell Therapy for Meningitis

What are the Causes of Meningitis?

Apart from the above mentioned major causes, there are some other causes which can lead to Meningitis. These causes develop in the eyes, throat, brain, and sinuses along with the other body parts.

Few common causes of Meningitis are –

  • Syphilis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Cancer Medicines
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Fungal Infections

What are the Symptoms of Meningitis?

Most common symptoms of Meningitis are as follows – 

  • A severe Headache
  • Drowsy
  • Pale or Blotchy Skin
  • Stiff Neck
  • Irritability or Confusion
  • Fever
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty in facing bright lights

If the patient experiences any of the above-mentioned symptoms, then the patient must get medical intervention immediately.

What are the Types of Meningitis?

Based on the causes, Meningitis is classified into three main types as

  • Bacterial Meningitis - Which can be transmitted to other humans in close contact and can be a threat to life.
  • Fungal Meningitis - Can be found in the patients with the poor immune system. This is a very rare type of Meningitis.
  • Viral Meningitis - Is not extremely severe and the patient gets full recovery of the treatment is started at the right time.

The medical screening is very crucial at this point as the symptoms of each type are different from each other.

How Meningitis Diagnosed in India?

Diagnostic tests for meningitis includes:

  • Blood Diagnosis - To check for the presence of bacteria or viruses that can be a cause of meningitis.
  • Lumbar Puncture - Sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is taken from the base of the spinal cord and checked for the presence of bacteria or viruses

Prognosis of Meningitis :

The prognosis of Meningitis could be good or bad depending on the main cause of the disease. Timely administration of the advised medication and other treatment modalities can give excellent and better results.

MedAcess has developed the Stem Cell Therapy program to treat various conditions. During our stem cell treatment, each patient receives 200 – 300 million stem cells. The quantity of the stem cells not only covers daily losses but exceeds them a million times. Thus, the source of the stem cells which is practically lost for the last 15 – 20 years, is recovered and restored. After our stem cell infusion, various organs get rejuvenated and they get renewed because the new and active stem cells completely replace the old and damaged ones.

Is there any Best Treatment Available for Meningitis?

Meningitis Treatment totally depends upon the symptoms. To make the patient's condition better, the patient will be advised to take plenty of fluids, bed rest, Antibiotics and counter medications. In few cases, Meningitis may not need any treatment and it can be cured itself with time.

Because of the stem cells ability to multiple and promoting healing mechanisms, Stem Cell Therapy is the highly effective treatment modality for Meningitis.

The recent and latest research revealed that stem cells could rejuvenate the brain cells. Also, it improves the symptoms and leads to prolonging lives. When stem cells enter the human body, they not only find the damaged area and works on repairing the damage part and cells of the area but also develop new healthy cells in the human body. In Meningitis patients, stem cells recover myelin, which causes a reduction of symptoms. Improvements after stem cell therapy usually start in the next four months.

Meningitis patients had a hard time altering medications suitable as per need. Various steroids or disease controlling or modifying drugs are only supposed to manage few specific symptoms, but most of the time they are not entirely successful in their job and cannot cure all the symptoms or problems. Another main concern is the side effects of drugs. Because of these reasons, lots of people have turned to alternative treatment modalities.

Is Stem Cell Therapy Safe for Bacterial Meningitis?

Stem Cell Therapy Is 100% Safer for the Treatment of Meningitis. Very Much useful And Potent than The Allopathic Medicine. Stem cell therapy for Meningitis in India Is Very Safe and Effective by best Meningitis doctor in India.

Is Stem Cell Curable for Viral Meningitis?

Stem cells are the natural part of the human body, and they have the unique ability to find and repair the damaged tissues. It usually takes up to four months after the stem cells therapy, to get the fully developed results. Meanwhile, in this time, the patient observes new improvements continuously. There is also no risk of rejection or side effects. The whole procedure is completed within only a few hours and it is very quick, painless, simple and safe.

MedAcess has developed the Stem Cell Therapy program to treat various conditions. During our stem cell treatment, each patient receives 200 – 300 million stem cells. The quantity of the stem cells not only covers daily losses but exceeds them a million times. Thus, the source of the stem cells which is practically lost for the last 15 – 20 years, is recovered and restored. After our stem cell infusion, various organs get rejuvenated and they get renewed because the new and active stem cells completely replace the old and damaged ones.

Changes After Stem Cell Therapy

  • Reduced Headache
  • Improved Concentration.
  • Improved Skin Color.
  • Flexibility in Neck
  • No Irritability or Confusion
  • Reduced Fever
  • Reduced Seizures
  • Improved bright lights facing

How much does Cost of Stem Cell Treatment for Meningitis in India?

Meningitis stem cell treatment cost is a very complicated process. As the price is not controlled in most of the parts of the globe for stem cell therapy, people from across the world prefer India as it has become the pioneer of medical tourism for affordable stem cell therapy. The therapy cost in India is significantly less of what it would cost in the western hemisphere, along with the waiting period and prohibitive logistics cost.

Stem Cell Treatment for Meningitis in India can cost you anywhere between $4,000 to $7,500 USD. The cost of stem cell treatment in other European countries costs approx. $25,000 - $30,000. But, in India, it will cost you almost 70% to 80% less than that.

However, the prices may vary depending upon various factors like the type of stem cell treatment, type of stem cells, type of cells, the number of stem cells required, pre-treatment investigations, etc.

Low Cost stem cell therapy for Meningitis in India is also a factor that is giving new hope to patients who need Stem Cell Treatment. The Cost of Stem Cell Treatment in India is significantly Low, but the medical services provided by the hospitals are top-notch with International Medical standards and latest technologies at MedAcess Stem Cell Center India.

What are the Success rate for Bacterial Meningitis?

After the stem cell therapy for Meningitis, the patient gets desirable Changes and excellent results. Till now, we have observed that around 80% of Meningitis patients who are treated using Stem Cell Therapy have shown significant results like a complete stoppage in the progression of Meningitis. Regeneration of damaged neurons, enhanced signaling, better control on Meningitis, no Need help in walking or sitting, refined quality of life, improved lifestyle, improved flexibility, etc.

Why India is the Best Destination for Stem Cell Treatment Meningitis?

MedAcess has an excellent and successful career and vast experience in treating such conditions with excellent results. We are well equipped with the latest stem cell technology and the well-versed team of stem cell scientists and doctors. We always keep updated with the latest research and studies in the field of stem cell therapy, and we are improving our skills and knowledge continually. This is the reason we are one of the leading stem cell treatment centers in India.

Why Choose MedAcess Stem Cell Center for Meningitis?

Our clinic has advanced the curriculum of Adult Autologous Stem Cell Treatment,  treating several conditions, one of them being Meningitis. In the operation of stem cell therapy, 200-300 million cells are implanted into the patient’s body.

These cells come from the patient’s body itself that wipe out the side effects and make the entire procedure very fast and straightforward. Stem cells are a part of the human repair system. Naturally, that is why they are suitable for conducting deteriorated areas, in this case, chiefly brain tissue.

MedAcess has been working for six years and our successful clinical practice made each individual in our team professionals in the restoration and recovery of the body. Our experts preclude several severe chronic and age-related diseases. Working with the latest technologies, we are continuously recovering our knowledge, advancement skills and accession in this field.

Undergoing therapy in our center, patients receive stimulated autologous mesenchymal stem cell treatment. The cells are seized from adipose tissue and bone marrow, depending upon the patient.

We take into review the patient’s condition, his or her inquiry, and disorder history.

The entire stem cell method is concluded within a day. It is thoroughly safe, fast, understandable and painless. After stem cells are derived from either the patient’s abdominal tissue, bone marrow, they are separated and stimulated, and after that, they are put back into the body using a simple IV dip.

In the next 2-4 months, after the therapy, recoveries are slowly framed up. Symptoms decline and are contradicted, which is possible only with this therapy. During this time, our experts go on receiving the information from the patient’s tests and motivate them with advice. The 6-month medical follow-up follows the Adult Autologous Stem Cell Treatment.

Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy at MedAcess:

  • Zero side effects and rejections free
  • Zero risks of Allergic or Immune reactions
  • No risk of transmissible disease
  • No oncological complications
  • Long lasting results

FAQ's -

Meningitis and septicemia can kill a patient in hours. The first symptoms are usually fever, headache, vomiting, and feeling unwell. Pale skin, Limb pain, and cold hands and feet most likely to appear earlier than the rash, neck stiffness, dislike of bright lights, and confusion.

Get doctor’s attention as soon as possible if you think that your patient has meningitis or you have seen symptoms such as headache, vomiting, tiredness or confusion, rash, neck stiffness, and fever. A baby who has a fever is irritable and isn't feeding well also should be seeking medical attention right away by a doctor.

The first symptoms usually feel like vomiting, headache and feeling unwell. Neck stiffness, dislike of bright lights and confusion. The problem will appear if came into bright light.

If you suspect that your child or someone you know has meningitis, seek medical care right away.

  • Call the doctor and describe the signs and symptoms.
  • Admit the patient to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible if a doctor is not reachable right away. The person who is sick should not drive. Call an ambulance if transportation is not available.

Recovery from meningitis. If you are diagnosed with viral meningitis, you will usually find that symptoms will improve within a few days and most patients recover entirely after one to four weeks. It is common for patents to experience tiredness for a more extended period.

Patients Testimonials

Mr. Shankar From Fiji Came To India For His CKD Treatment at MedAcess
Ms. Janice from UK Undergoes Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Type 2
Mr. Golam from Bangladesh his Mother's Successful Stem Cell Therapy for CKD
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