Stem Cell Therapy for Inclusion Body Myositis in Mumbai, India

What is Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM)?

IBM (Inclusion Body Myositis) is mostly found after 50 years of age, and it is an inflammatory disease. This disease leads to distal & proximal muscles weakness, muscle wasting, chronic muscle inflammation. The symptoms of IBM can also be found at the age of 30 years. The typical symptoms of Inclusion Body Myositis are muscle weakness, difficulty in swallowing, atrophy if forearm, wrist, and fingers.

The progression of IBM is slow, and men are at a high risk of Inclusion Body Myositis compared to women.

Stem Cell Therapy for Inclusion Body Myositis

Cause of Inclusion Body Myositis :

Until now, the exact cause of IBM is not discovered yet. But, many evidence shows that the immune system attacks the healthy muscle tissues and because of this their integrity decreases.

Another theory suggests that Inclusion Body Myositis occurs due to muscles weakness because of the age-related impacts on the human muscles.

However, the latest research and studies showed that IBM is a hereditary disorder.

Symptoms of Inclusion Body Myositis

If IBM is left untreated, then its onset gradually increases leading to progress of the disease. The life of the person with IBM becomes extremely challenging when the muscle weakness occurs in forearm, wrist, and thighs. IBM patients find it difficult to climb stairs, doing household routine works, gripping an object.

The thigh muscles in IBM patients becomes weak leading to shrinking of the muscles and because of this, the patient stumbles more and more. Because of this the foot drop occurs leading to increased chances of fall.

Heart and lungs are not affected by Inclusion Body Myositis, unlike other myopathies.

Types of Inclusion Body Myositis

There are two types of Inclusion Body Myositis as –

Familial Inflammatory sIBM - Which can be found in the siblings from the same family. However, it doesn’t pass from one generation to another.

Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy sIBM - Which is very rare, and it’s a hereditary cause which is linked to the specific genetic defect.

How Body Myositis Diagnosed in India?

As with other muscle Dystrophy, a doctor diagnoses inclusion-body myositis (IBM) by investigating an individual’s personal history, family clinical history, and the results of a careful physical investigation. This may be combined by some lab tests, perhaps of the electrical signaling inside the muscles. In many cases, a muscle biopsy is ordered. This disease is often misdiagnosed because weakness is common among older adults.

After a careful history and physical exam to document the pattern of weakness in a patient’s muscles, a doctor who suspects myositis likely will order a blood test to check the level of creatine kinase (CK), an enzyme that leaks out of muscle fibers when the fibers are being damaged. In IBM, CK levels may be only mildly elevated, less than ten times the normal level, or even normal, as opposed to other inflammatory myopathies where CK levels are usually very high.

Is there any Treatment Available for Myositis(IBM)?

Most of the IBM patients have not shown any improvement in their health even after getting the immunosuppressive drugs prescribed by the doctors because it is very important also to consider prevention of falls, muscle power, and strength which becomes deteriorate with time foot drop and tripping, etc.

Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Specialized Exercise Therapy are also beneficial for IBM patients.

Is Stem Cell Therapy Safe for Body Myositis?

Stem Cell Therapy Is 100% Safer for the Treatment of Inclusion Body Myositis. Very Much useful And Potent than The Allopathic Medicine. Stem cell therapy for Body Myositis in India Is Very Safe and Effective by the best Inclusion Myositis doctor in India.

Is Stem Cell Curable for Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM)?

Recent studies and research in Stem Cell Technology have shown that stem cells can help in regaining the strength and power in the muscles of the myopathic and dystrophic patients.

Stem Cell Therapy is highly advised, and preferred treatment modality for Inclusion Body Myositis as its complete risk-free with no side effects and it can lead to the full stop of the progression of the disease.

MedAcess has developed the Stem Cell Therapy program to treat various conditions. During our stem cell treatment, each patient receives 200 – 300 million stem cells. The quantity of the stem cells not only covers daily losses but exceeds them a million times. Thus, the source of the stem cells, which is practically lost for the last 15 – 20 years, is recovered and restored. After our stem cell infusion, various organs get rejuvenated and they get renewed because the new and active stem cells completely replace the old and damaged ones.

Changes After Stem Cell Therapy

  • The muscle weakness of the forearm, wrist, and thighs are gone.
  • Easily climb stairs, doing household routine works, gripping an object.
  • Reduced shrinking of the muscles.
  • Reduced patient stumbling.
  • Reduced foot drop
  • Reduced chances of falls.

How much does Cost of Stem Cell Treatment for Inclusion Body Myositis in India?

Inclusion Body Myositis stem cell treatment cost is a very complicated process. As the price is not controlled in most of the parts of the globe for stem cell therapy, people from across the world prefer India as it has become the pioneer of medical tourism for affordable stem cell therapy. The therapy cost in India is significantly less of what it would cost in the western hemisphere, along with the waiting period and prohibitive logistics cost.

The average price of a Stem cell therapy for Inclusion Body Myositis in India is in the range of $4,000 USD - $8000 USD. The cost of treatment in other European countries costs approx. $24,000 - $30,000. But, in India, it will cost you almost 70% to 80% less than that. 

However, the prices may vary depending upon various factors like the type of stem cell treatment, type of stem cells, type of cells, the number of stem cells required, pre-treatment investigations, etc.

Low Cost stem cell therapy for Inclusion Body Myositis in India is also a factor that is giving new hope to patients who need Stem Cell Treatment. The Cost of Stem Cell Treatment in India is significantly Low, but the medical services provided by the hospitals are top-notch with International Medical standards and latest technologies at MedAcess Stem Cell Center India.

What are the Success rates for Inclusion Body Myositis?

After the stem cell therapy for Inclusion Body Myositis, the patient gets desirable Changes and excellent results. Till now, we have observed that around 80% of Inclusion Body Myositis patients who are treated using Stem Cell Therapy have shown significant results like a complete stoppage in the progression of Inclusion Body Myositis. Regeneration of damaged neurons, enhanced signaling, better control on Inclusion Body Myositis, no Need help in walking or sitting, refined quality of life, improved lifestyle, improved flexibility, etc.

Why India is the Best Place for Stem Cell Treatment Inclusion Body Myositis?

MedAcess has an excellent and successful career and vast experience in treating such conditions with excellent results. We are well equipped with the latest stem cell technology and the well-versed team of stem cell scientists and doctors. We always keep updated with the latest research and studies in the field of stem cell therapy, and we are improving our skills and knowledge continually. This is the reason we are one of the leading stem cell treatment centers in India.

Why Choose MedAcess Stem Cell Center for Inclusion Body Myositis?

Our clinic has advanced the curriculum of Adult Autologous Stem Cell Treatment,  treating several conditions, one of them being Inclusion Body Myositis. In the operation of stem cell therapy, 200-300 million cells are implanted into the patient’s body. These cells come from the patient’s body itself that wipe out the side effects and make the entire procedure very fast and straightforward. Stem cells are a part of the human repair system. Naturally, that is why they are suitable for conducting deteriorated areas, in this case, chiefly brain tissue.

MedAcess has been working for six years and our successful clinical practice made each individual in our team professionals in the restoration and recovery of the body. Our experts preclude several severe chronic and age-related diseases. Working with the latest technologies, we are continuously recovering our knowledge, advancement skills and accession in this field.

Undergoing therapy in our center, patients receive stimulated autologous mesenchymal stem cell treatment. The cells are seized from adipose tissue and bone marrow, depending upon the patient.

We take into review the patient’s condition, his or her inquiry, and disorder history.

The entire stem cell method is concluded within a day. It is thoroughly safe, fast, understandable and painless. After stem cells are derived from either the patient’s abdominal tissue, bone marrow, they are separated and stimulated, and after that, they are put back into the body using a simple IV dip.

In the next 2-4 months, after the therapy, recoveries are slowly framed up. Symptoms decline and are contradicted, which is possible only with this therapy. During this time, our experts go on receiving the information from the patient’s tests and motivate them with advice. The 6-month medical follow-up follows the Adult Autologous Stem Cell Treatment.

Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy at MedAcess:

  • Zero side effects and rejections free
  • Zero risks of Allergic or Immune reactions
  • No risk of transmissible disease
  • No oncological complications
  • Long lasting results

FAQ's -

The underlying cause of IBM is poorly available and is likely to involve the interaction of immune-related, genetic, and environmental factors. Some people may have an inherited to developing IBM, but the condition itself typically is not hereditary.

Symptoms of myositis can include muscle weakness, muscle pain, and muscle tenderness. Other symptoms vary, depending on the specific cause of myositis: Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. These conditions typically cause painless muscle weakness that develops slowly over weeks, months or years.

inclusion-body myositis (IBM) is a muscle disease that presents with slowly progressive proximal and distal weakness. There is a precedent for brain and muscle involvement in one disorder: inclusion-body myopathy, Paget's disease of the bone, and frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD)

Inclusion body myositis (IBM) is one of the muscle diseases also known as the inflammatory myopathies, which are characterized by chronic, progressive muscle inflammation accompanied by muscle weakness. Symptoms of the disease usually begin after the age of 50, although the disease can occur earlier.

Difficulties with the design of the trial, however, led to inconclusive results. This medication continues to be studied for other indications, and, if approved, may be used off-label for sporadic inclusion body myositis. This is not a cure; however, it is a treatment for symptoms of muscle weakness only.

Patients Testimonials

Mr. Shankar From Fiji Came To India For His CKD Treatment at MedAcess
Ms. Janice from UK Undergoes Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Type 2
Mr. Golam from Bangladesh his Mother's Successful Stem Cell Therapy for CKD
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