Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction in Mumbai, India

Erectile Dysfunction: Global View

ED – Erectile Dysfunction is a prevailing health condition that severely impacts the life quality of men and their partners. Almost 20-25% of the adult male population across the world suffers from Erectile Dysfunction to some degree. A penis is a vascular organ in the male body that required the mechanism involving excellent blood circulation to remain properly functional.

The main reason behind maintaining and generating good erection is as follows –

  • Cavernous Smooth Muscle Cells
  • Cavernous Nerves
  • Endolethial Cells
  • Terminal Fibres of Cavernous Nerves that releases nNOS (Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase) which is triggered by the arousal.
  • Fibroblasts

In conjunction with nNOS, the function connection of these structures is critical to making sure the better blood flow to the penis which ultimately leads to a good reaction. Due to the need for blood flow for this response, it is now cleared that the vascular insufficiency can decrease the erection power and capability. The common pathology of the ED is Vascular insufficiency. It has been found that almost 85% cases of ED are caused by the less blood flow due caused by the underlying vascular illness.

Stem Cell Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The most common causes of ED are as follows –

Chronic disease or illness like Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Kidney Disease, Atherosclerosis, chronic alcoholism, neurological and vascular diseases are the reason behind ED in 70% cases.

Due to age and various disease, the damage to arteries, smooth muscles, fibrous tissues, and nerves.

As diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerves, almost 40- 45% of the Diabetic male patients have been found with Erectile Dysfunction. However, ED can also be linked to other condition in Diabetic patients like High blood pressure and other coronary artery diseases. The severity of ED in diabetic patients is directly related to the duration of the disease, glucose control level and other diabetic complications.

Other causes of ED are as follows –

  • Low Testosterone Level
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Obesity
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Drug abuse
  • Heavy intake of Alcohol and Tobacco
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Diseases
  • Neurological Diseases
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Peyronie’s Disease
  • Use of Antihistamine, Antidepressant medications to treat high BP, prostate cancer or pain.
  • Emotional and psychological causes like stress, depression, anxiety or any other mental problem.

Sign of Erectile Dysfunction

  • Soft erection
  • It is very difficult to get an erection
  • Difficult to hold the erection
  • Reduced sexual desires
  • Mood swings
  • Difficult to hold the erection
  • Reduced sexual desires
  • Mood swings

What are the treatment available in India for Erectile Dysfunction?

Stem Cell Therapy protocol at MedAcess is an effective, safe and reliable treatment method helping the erectile dysfunction patients of different degree. However, along with the stem cell therapy, the patient will also be given education, occupational and speech therapy for guaranteed results.

The result after the Stem Cell Therapy for ED at MedAcess, India :

The results start to show up in within 4 – 6 weeks of the therapy with gradually improving over months with time.

  • The patient will experience improved functionality
  • Enhanced Sexual performance
  • Longer and firmer erections
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Happy partners

How do stem cell cure for Erectile Dysfunction?

Most of the men with ED use oral medications like Vasodilators, Viagra which causes side effects like heart attack, stroke, etc. Recent studies have shown that the long-term or regular use of such medications can lead to lifelong side effects and these medications only give the temporary erection to the patient with little effectiveness due to underlying damage to endothelial.

At MedAcess, we provide a course of stem cell injections to the erectile tissues and IV infusion of stem cells that increases the circulation and localized regenerative cell population. This treatment approach not only benefits the structural ability to achieve the good erection but also enhances the body’ ability to send signals to the processes.

Based on the results and outcomes of this therapy, Intra Cavernous Injection of Stem Cells with PRP is also used if required.

Treatment protocol at MedAcess, India provides a long-term or even permanent effect compared to other treatment options available

We achieve the result by addressing

  1. The signal mechanism
  2. Defect or damage to the tissues
  3. Vascular Disease aspect of ED

Is Stem Cell Therapy Safe Procedure for ED?

Stem Cell Therapy Is 100% Safer for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. Very Much useful And Potent than The Allopathic Medicine. Stem cell therapy for Ed Treatment in India Is Very Safe And Effective by best Erectile Dysfunction doctor in India.

Is Stem Cell Curable for Erectile Dysfunction?

Stem cells are the natural part of the human body, and they have the unique ability to find and repair the damaged tissues. It usually takes up to four months after the stem cells therapy, to get the fully developed results. Meanwhile, in this time, the patient observes new improvements continuously. There is also no risk of rejection or side effects. The whole procedure is completed within only a few hours and it is very quick, painless, simple and safe.

MedAcess has developed the Stem Cell Therapy program to treat various conditions. During our stem cell treatment, each patient receives 200 – 300 million stem cells. The quantity of the stem cells not only covers daily losses but exceeds them a million times. Thus, the source of the stem cells which is practically lost for the last 15 – 20 years, is recovered and restored. After our stem cell infusion, various organs get rejuvenated and they get renewed because the new and active stem cells completely replace the old and damaged ones.

How much does Cost of Stem Cell Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction in India?

Because India is having best Stem Cell Centers having state of the art facility, Stem Cell Treatment by Our top Stem Cell Experts in the industry. Stem cell therapy for diabetes success rate India is very high due to the best hospital for diabetes treatment in India and the frequency of the patients taking treatment in India is increasing due to low cost of stem cell treatment for Erectile dysfunction in India.

Stem cell therapy cost for Erectile Dysfunction treatment in India starts from $1,000 to $1,500 per dose, depending on the upon various medical factors like, patient’s condition, number of doses, type of stem cell treatment, number of stem cells required, pre-treatment investigations, etc. 

Low cost stem cell therapy for Erectile Dysfunction in India is also a factor which is giving a new ray of hope to the patients who are in need of Stem Cell Therapy. The Cost of Stem Cell Therapy in India is significantly economical but the medical services provided by the hospitals are top-notch with International Medical standards and latest technologies at MedAcess Stem Cell Center India.

Patient Story - Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in India

Mr. Tomasi From Fiji Came to India for his Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

I am Tomasi from Fiji. I came to India for finding an effective treatment for the erectile dysfunction that has been causing difficulty in my married life for 8 years. Initially, I was recommended to do prostate surgery 5 years back. However, this surgery went vein in treating my problem. Then, I decided to go for stem cell treatment at MedAcess in India. In the initial treatment sessions, I was able to have sex six months after the one-time treatment, without taking back the medications or going for penile implants. The positive outcome showed no signs of warning during this year-long nursing period. I found this treatment much better than taking a viagra every time me and my wife desired to have intercourse. The results were promising enough to satisfy me. Thanks MedAcess India.

What are the Success rate of Erectile Dysfunction in India?

After stem cell therapy for Erectile Dysfunction, the patient gets significant Changes and excellent results. Till now, we have observed that around 80% of Erectile Dysfunction Disease patients who are treated using Stem Cell Therapy have shown well-improved results like a complete stoppage in the progression of Erectile Dysfunction. Regeneration of damaged signaling mechanism, enhanced erection, better control on erection, no Need of regular Viagra, refined quality of life, improved lifestyle, improved Control on erection, etc.

Why India is the Best Place for ED Stem Cell Treatment in India?

  • MedAcess Provide the best Hospitality Experience in India, which are As Per International Standards and the team of Stem Cell Therapy Experts with an international professional standard Ensures Best Stem Cell Treatment to the patients.
  • MedAcess are Provider Of Healthy life And Improve the Standards Of living For the patients By Providing affordable low-cost Stem Cell treatment in India, best treatment facility with International Standards, and a homely atmosphere.

Best Stem Cell Therapy Center in India – MedAcess

MedAcess has excellent and successful career and vast experience in treating such conditions with excellent results. We are well equipped with the latest stem cell technology and the well-versed team of stem cell scientists and doctors. We always keep ourselves updated with the latest research and studies in the field of stem cell therapy, and we are improving our skills and knowledge continually. This is the reason we are one of the leading stem cell treatment centres in India.

Benefit of Stem Cell Therapy at MedAcess :

  • Zero side effects and rejections free
  • Zero risks of Allergic or Immune reactions
  • No risk of transmissible disease
  • No oncological complications
  • Long lasting results


ED not just affects the older adults but could occur at a young age too. Because sexual arousal is a complex natural process involving the nervous system, muscular system, and blood vessels, endocrine hormone system, a lot of chronic conditions such as Hypertension, Diabetes or neurodegenerative disorders could be responsible for the development of ED. However, psychological factors contribute the most to the development of ED such as anxiety, depression, and stress.

ED is curable at all ages. Over the counter medications, such Sildenafil is popularly known as the blue pill or Viagra help in muscle relaxation, therefore improving the flow of blood. Alternatively, there may be testosterone hormone administration or usage of assistive medical devices like penile pumps. But, these are temporary methods and Treatment may require multiple usages. For chronic symptoms leading to ED, a permanent cure is to be preferred. Stem cell therapy for ED is an upcoming Boon for the treatment of patients with Erectile Dysfunction. Recent medical trials have shown that stem cells therapy can restore erectile function and the whole process of arousal, facilitating intercourse.

Several lifestyle changes can help in preventing ED such as a healthy diet, daily exercise, adequate sleep, and staying away from smoking, drug abuse or alcohol addiction. It is also necessary to reduce stress levels since psychological factors are convincing reasons for ED.

Although, stem cell therapy is the current most effective, natural treatment module for various types of degenerative diseases; the extent of effective treatment outcome depends upon other factors like age of the patient, disease severity, previous treatment has undergone, immune profile etc. Evidence post investigations have proven that no one can predict any specific time to see visible improvement, post stem cell therapy. It has been indicated that several patients have shown improvements during the interval of 3 months to 1-year post stem cell therapy. Thus, it is fascinating to see faster recovery in patients; stem cell therapy may have mixed impacts on patients.

Stem Cell therapy is central processing unite of regenerative medicine that has gained growing attention both from scientific as well as the medical community. Out of many known therapeutic benefits of cellular therapies, regeneration, as well as repair, are the two most important ones; for it to be pinpointed as the advanced alternative form of modern medicine. It can reverse the process of cellular ageing through their regeneration as well as repair; leading to relieve or address chronic conditions.

ED does not cause infertility directly. It just restricts your sexual function and behaviour, which can delay your pregnancy or further complications. But, another condition associated with infertility in men may refrain you from an erection. ED neither affects the sperm quality nor sperm count. It only prevents you from ejaculating to facilitate pregnancy.

Patients Testimonials

Mr. Shankar From Fiji Came To India For His CKD Treatment at MedAcess
Ms. Janice from UK Undergoes Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Type 2
Mr. Golam from Bangladesh his Mother's Successful Stem Cell Therapy for CKD
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