Stem Cell Therapy for Dermatomyositis in Mumbai, India

What is Dermatomyositis?

A rare condition with muscles weakness, inflamed muscles, and skin rashes are the inflammatory condition known as Dermatomyositis. This condition can be found in both adults as well as children. Females are more prone to Dermatomyositis then males.

Adults of the age group 35 to 65 years and children of age group 4 to 16 years are more vulnerable to get diagnosed with Dermatomyositis.

As there is no permanent cure available for this condition, only symptom management can be advised for the patient. The skin rashes can be cleared and also regaining the power and strength of the muscle with the help of the medical intervention. The prognosis of Dermatomyositis is not that much satisfactory, however, if the disease is detected early then the timely intervention will avoid any further major life-threatening problems.

Stem Cell Therapy for Dermatomyositis

What causes Dermatomyositis?

Though the exact reason behind Dermatomyositis is not found yet, various medical experts have confirmed that this condition is caused by the damaged or disturbed immune system. The inflammatory cells near the blood vessels cause abnormal damage to human muscle tissues. The inflammatory cells take this action when the immune cells unexpectedly attack human muscle cells.

Other potential causes of Dermatomyositis is toxic or infectious agents, harmful drugs, underlying cancer in elder patient. People with the genetic history of Dermatomyositis have more chances of getting affected with this condition.

Dermatomyositis Symptoms:

The most common clinical sign of Dermatomyositis is purple-bluish skin rashes on elbows, nails, face or chest. With the progression of Dermatomyositis, the patient will face muscle weakness which becomes worst with the disease progress. The muscle weakness can be mostly found in the hips, arms, neck and on both sides of the body.

Other symptoms are

  • Fever
  • Problems in Lung
  • Tenderness and muscle pain
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Fatigue
  • Unexpected weight loss 

Treatment options for Dermatomyositis :

The permanent cure for Dermatomyositis has not been found yet, however, few alternative medicines like Corticosteroids can improve the condition of the patient by minimizing the inflammatory process in the human body which can enable long-lasting remission phase.

Immunoglobulin Intravenously is also prescribed. To reduce the pain, painkillers are also prescribed. The remove the calcium deposits, surgery can also be done.

To improve the strength and power of the muscles, physical therapy can be done and speech therapy will help in swallowing problem.

Stem Cell Therapy for Dermatomyositis:

As the stem cells have the ability to multiply and divide into fresh new cells, this treatment is considered as the successful treatment option for Dermatomyositis.

Many research and discoveries in the field of Rheumatology have proved that the stem cell transplant can give significant improvement to the patient with Dermatomyositis.

MedAcess has developed the Stem Cell Therapy program to treat various conditions. During our stem cell treatment, each patient receives 200 – 300 million stem cells. The quantity of the stem cells not only covers daily losses but exceeds them a million times. Thus, the source of the stem cells which is practically lost for the last 15 – 20 years, is recovered and restored. After our stem cell infusion, various organs get rejuvenated and they get renewed because the new and active stem cells completely replace the old and damaged ones.

What is Cost of Stem Cell Treatment for Dermatomyositis in India?

The average cost of Stem Cell Therapy for Dermatomyositis in India is usually between $5,000 to $7,500 USD. However, the prices may vary depending upon various medical factors like the type of stem cell treatment, type of cells, the number of stem cells required, type of stem cells, pre-treatment investigations, etc.

Low Cost stem cell therapy for Dermatomyositis in India is also a factor that is giving new hope to patients who need Stem Cell Treatment. The Cost of Stem Cell Treatment in India is significantly Low, but the medical services provided by the hospitals are top-notch with International Medical standards and latest technologies at MedAcess Stem Cell Center India.

Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy at MedAcess :

  • Zero side effects and rejections free
  • Zero risks of Allergic or Immune reactions
  • No risk of transmissible disease
  • No oncological complications
  • Long lasting results

Patients Testimonials

Mr. Shankar From Fiji Came To India For His CKD Treatment at MedAcess
Ms. Janice from UK Undergoes Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Type 2
Mr. Golam from Bangladesh his Mother's Successful Stem Cell Therapy for CKD
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